Summer of 2016 Festival of Football
Tournament Invite
We invite you all – old friends and new – to come and join us in a Festival of Football.
On behalf of the Colts I have great pleasure in inviting your club to enter teams into our annual tournament to be held at Castle Combe Sports Fields. You may enter a maximum of 2 teams in any or all of the following age groups.
Friday 1st July
Saturday 2nd July
Sunday 3rd July
U17/U18s + U15 GIRLS
U7s, U8s, U10s, U12s, U14s, U16s
U9s, U11s, U13s, U15s
NB Please note these allocations may be subject to change – depending on no of entries
An entry form & a set of sanctioned rules are attached – you can also download further copies
from our website (
Due to a slow take up from U17s/U18s in recent years, we are changing our Friday night offering. We are running a Girls competition for the first time. This will be for U15 girls (U14s can play also). We will limit the number of entries to both U18s and U15 Girls Competition to 10no. We want to be careful not to over extend the tournament.
Every effort will be made to accommodate an entry of two teams per team per age group, but should this not be possible the money for the second team listed will be refunded.
All entries will be dealt with on a first come first served basis. The entry fee is £20 per team. We will charge £3 per car for parking and a programme. Additional programmes can be purchased from the sellers at £2 each. Cheques should be made payable to Castle Combe Colts FC and be sent with an application form to the address shown below. Closing date for entries will be 31st May 2016. NO PLACES WILL BE CONFIRMED UNTIL AFTER THIS DATE. They will be sent out by email so include your address. If you want confirmation by post, you need to include a paid SAE.
Please note that the tournament is only open to teams affiliated to their own County Association.
There will be ample parking within a short walking distance of our sportsfield.
Information concerning start times etc. will be forwarded by email after the closing date.
No refunds shall be considered should any team be withdrawn from the tournament.
Those of you who have been with us before will know that the entire field is used for what it is
intended – playing football or watching it – this creates a fantastic atmosphere. We have to employ a strict policy of NO DOGS allowed on the fields – can you ensure all your parents are aware of this. There will be no space for Gazebos either, so you are discouraged from bringing these and may be asked to take them down if they block access If there are any further questions please contact us by email at or You can also reach us through the website at
Yours in Sport
Trevor Newman
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