Following on from a blog post last week from Discipline Secretary Craig Gorton, that took a moment to level set on Charter Standard, this week Craig introduces us to forthcoming important changes to the framework.
Hopefully everyone is well on the way to completing their CS Annual Health Check for this season, but now is also the time to start considering the changes the FA have introduced to the Charter Standard criteria for the coming seasons.
There are 2 changes that will affect all Charter Standard clubs at all levels:
50% of all coaches to be Licensed Coaches Club Members by end of 2015/16. Minimum 90% of all coaches to be Licensed Coaches Club Members by end of 2019/20
1 Youth Mod 1 coach for every 4 teams by 2017/18
e.g. 1-4 teams 1 Youth Mod 1 coach; 5-8 teams 2 Youth Mod 1 coaches
The first is the easier of the two to complete. The FA Licensed Coaches Club is free to join, a coach needs to have an eligible coaching qualification, a valid Emergency Aid Certificate, a valid Safeguarding Children Certificate and a current CRC. At least one coach from each of your teams must already meet this criteria as it’s part of the current Health Check, if they are not already signed up to the FALCC then send them the following link:
There is a small ‘cost’ to being a member of the club, to retain membership a coach needs to commit to a minimum number of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours. A level one coach will need to complete three hours, a level two or above coach needs to complete five hours.
CPD can take many varied forms and the FA Licensed Coaches’ Club offers many ways of achieving this over the season, including taking another FA Learning qualification, attending a special CPD workshop in the local area or conference and completing one of their online courses.
The second criteria may take a little longer to reach depending upon the number of coaches you may already have with Youth Award Module qualification, but you do have some time to achieve this. It will also have a cost, but again now is a good time to consider getting interested coached onto the next course as there is currently a Wilts FA Coaching Bursary of £50 available that can be used for the FA Youth Module 1 course reducing the cost to £70 from its standard price of £120
All the planned Wilts FA courses can be found and booked using the following link:
You do have until the end of 2017/18 to reach this criteria, but there are a limited number of courses in any season and it does require the coach to invest 32 hours over several weeks to achieve the qualification. Therefore the earlier you start to plan for this the easier it will be to achieve.
Craig Gorton – Rules / Discipline Secretary –